4:00 PM16:00

World Refugee Day 2025


World Refugee Day Sponsorship Opportunities

1. Beacon of Hope Sponsor ($1000)

At our highest sponsorship level, you will serve as a guiding light and model for refugees and

immigrants on their journey to rebuilding their lives. Your support provides inspiration and

leadership, ensuring that new Americans have access to the resources and advocacy they need

to thrive.

● Priority placement of large, color logo and organization name on World Refugee

Day print materials, electronic media, and promotional emails (700+ individuals,

organizations, and businesses).

● Logo featured on a prominent event sponsor banner on World Refugee Day Stage.

● Name announced at the event.

● Tabling opportunity at the event.

● Recognition on digital media (website and social media).

● Exclusive feature in event recap materials (newsletter/social media highlight).

2. Bridge Builder Sponsor ($500)

Our intermediate level sponsor is for those who create essential pathways to integration,

education, and empowerment. Your sponsorship supports programs that pave the way for

refugees’ success in their new communities.

● Placement of color logo and organization name on the World Refugee Day Stage.

● Tabling opportunity at the event.

● Name listed on digital media (website and social media).

● Shoutout in event recap materials (newsletter and social media).

3. Welcome Sponsor ($250)

Our basic level sponsor is for those who embody diversity, radical hospitality, and inclusion.

Your support ensures that refugees and immigrants are welcomed with warmth and celebrated

with dignity as they build their new lives..

● Name listed on digital media (website and social media).

● Shoutout in event recap materials (newsletter and social media).

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Gala & Silent Auction
6:00 PM18:00

Gala & Silent Auction

  • Riverview Restaurant at the Hudson Portuguese Club (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Massachusetts Baptist Multicultural Ministries (MBMM) will be holding its Annual Fundraising Gala and Silent Auction on November 2, 2024 at the Riverview Restaurant at the Hudson Portuguese Club in Hudson, MA. Proceeds from the event will be used to help fund MBMM, whose work includes a broad variety of services to New Americans navigating through complex American institutions. Our work helps them integrate through American society and become an active contributing citizen within the community.

One of the initiatives this fundraising event serves is the ACE Center for New Americans. It is a program of the Massachusetts Baptist Multicultural Ministries, a 501c(3) tax-exempt organization. The ACE Center is a non-sectarian program that exists to assist and meet the diverse needs of numerous immigrant and ethnic communities of all faiths and traditions, with a spirit of radical hospitality. Our mission is to Advocate for immigrants and refugees as they move towards self-sufficiency; Celebrate the culture, tradition, inclusion, and achievements of immigrants; and Empower them to exist as new Americans while attaining the goals afforded to every American.

We are asking if you would sponsor our event at one of the levels listed below. The money raised will be used to fund our educational and community programs like World Refugee Day, Financial Literacy Workshops, Mentorship Programs, and New Americans Christmas.

To sign up and/or to attend the gala, please fill out this form.

Your sponsorship will not only support our organization but also create lasting change in the lives of the people we serve. With your help, we can continue providing vital services that enable New Americans to thrive, support their journey and empower and contribute to our communities.

This is more than just a seat at a gala—it’s an opportunity to personally engage with immigrants and refugees, hear their powerful stories firsthand, and recognize the faces behind the statistics. 

- Rev. Mar Imsong


Premier Level Sponsor: $5,000 and up

Logo appears on:

• MBMM & ACE Website

• Event Signage

• Print program

Name announced during event

Logo appears on social media posts

• Sponsorship announcement (pre-event)

• Thank You (post-event)

Friendship Level Sponsor: $2,500-4,999

Logo appears on:

• MBMM & ACE Website

• Event Signage

• Print program

Name line listed on social media post

• Thank You (post event)

Host Level Sponsor: $600 for 8 tickets, $300 for 4 tickets, or $150 for 2 tickets to Host a New American to attend the Gala


Donate any amount between $150-$2,499

Name listed on:

• MBMM & ACE Website

• Print program

If you are unable to sponsor our event, please consider donating a silent auction item or purchasing a ticket to attend the event.

Our events draw large and diverse crowds, which will expose your business to new clientele and customers from communities near and far. Artisan, handcrafted items and unique experiences attract the most interest. Paintings, sculptures, photography, home décor, quilts, jewelry, electronics, and tickets to sporting or theater events are all sought after. Your contribution can be as simple as a gift certificate or gift card to your business. Every donor and donation will be recognized during the event, on social media, and in our auction catalog. All donations are tax-deductible and greatly appreciated.

We will also be using an online bidding system to reach a larger audience – promoting your business even further!

Thank you for your consideration and we hope to get the chance to partner with you in strengthening the new American communities.

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New American Christmas Party
4:00 PM16:00

New American Christmas Party

An afternoon of holiday cheer and a visit from Santa Claus. Volunteers prepare a hand-picked bag of personalized items for each family member. Bags contain a set of towels, hygienic items, and winter apparel (hats, mittens, or scarf) along with other items, including but not limited to blankets, toys, games, new clothing, footwear, and more. Registration is required to participate.

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Halal Food Pantry
9:00 AM09:00

Halal Food Pantry

Massachusetts Baptist Multicultural Ministries (MBMM) and the ACE Center for New Americans have partnered with ICNA Relief to provide a monthly Halal food pantry in Lowell. This food pantry will help to meet the nutritional needs of Muslim families, providing groceries they can feel good about eating. Families can pick up the food at the MBMM office located at 99 Church St, Lowell, MA 01852 on the third Saturday of the month.

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to Sep 23


Join us on Friday, Sept 22nd and Saturday, Sept 23rd for this gathering event focusing on pastors and their spouses. This year we are considering Rest and Rejuvenation as a pastor’s work-life balance can be very difficult to maintain, especially with the added stresses placed on them during the pandemic. Jesus invites us to come to him and he will give us rest (Matthew 11:28).

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