Reverend Mar Imsong's Immigrant Day Prayer

Prayer for Immigrants Day

Gracious and loving God,
On this day, as we gather in the heart of Boston—
a city shaped by generations of immigrants—
we lift our voices in gratitude and hope.

We thank You, God, for the courage of those who have journeyed far from their homelands,
seeking safety, freedom, and a better future for their families.
You were with them across deserts, through oceans,
in refugee camps and detention centers,
in moments of fear and in moments of faith.

We come before You with heavy hearts, as millions of immigrants and refugees across this nation live in fear—fear of deportation, of separation from loved ones, of violence, and of rejection. In a time when borders have become walls and welcome has too often turned to hostility, we call upon You, O God, to be the refuge and strength for all who journey in search of safety and belonging. In a nation shaped by immigrants, too many are now treated as strangers, criminalized for their courage and hope.

Lord, we lament the rhetoric and policies that seek to divide and dehumanize;
But in the face of fear and injustice, we proclaim Your truth:
that every person is created in Your image, endowed with dignity, deserving of welcome.
Remind us that You, too, were a refugee in Egypt, and Your Son had nowhere to lay His head.

Today, we pray for our elected leaders here on Beacon Hill—
in the Governor’s office, in the halls of the State House—
that they may legislate with compassion, courage, and a commitment to justice for all.
Let their decisions reflect the values of inclusion, mercy, and hospitality
that this Commonwealth was founded upon.

Let Boston be a beacon of hospitality and solidarity,
where every newcomer is treated not as a stranger,
but as a neighbor and a sibling.

God, give us the strength to stand with immigrant families,
to advocate for fair laws, to open our doors,
and to build bridges instead of walls.
Let Boston and Massachusetts be a light amid the shadows—
a sanctuary where hope is alive and dignity is protected.

May Your spirit of justice flow through every street, every neighborhood, every home,
until all who are weary may find rest and all who seek freedom may be free.

In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen.

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