TPMP ECG Cookout

On Saturday, September 25th, TPMP clergy, MBMM staff, and their families gathered for an afternoon of food, fellowship, and fun. The cookout was hosted by Mar & Ben Imsong at their home. A special thank you to Clifford Maung Htwe for volunteering to man the grill during the event. 

 We were graced with a seasonally warm and sunny day and a bounty of food and drink. Together we lounged, socialized, and snacked in the shade of an awning set-up in the Imsong’s backyard.  All the delicacies of a traditional cookout were served: hamburgers, sausages, steak tips, a variety of salads, watermelon, cookies, and other desserts. 

With the specter of COVID-19 looming, many had reservations about attending, so the cookout was an intimate event. We pray for the end of the pandemic and for many opportunities to gather and meet in the future. 

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